Accessibility and Student Accommodations

  • The course takes into account the basics of accessible education and the implications for the syllabus, course site and course materials.

  • Where possible, students have the opportunity to engage with the course content in multiple formats.

  • Students have the opportunity to practice learning outcomes in multiple formats (written, oral, group, etc.).

Tips & Considerations

  • Take the time to check in with your students periodically. For those with accommodation needs check in to see if the new course format has created any additional barriers that need to be addressed. Keep in mind that the new course format could also create new obstacles for students that don’t currently have any specific accommodation needs. Encourage those students to get in touch with YorkU’s Student Accessibility Services. Also take a few minutes to review YorkU’s Faculty Guidelines on Academic Accommodations.
  • Students will be under unusual amounts of stress during this time. Can you build in additional flexibility for all students in your course to help alleviate this?
  • Students requiring support should contact advising in Student Services ( for undergrads or for grads). Students can also contact YorkU’s Student Counselling & Development office for additional support.
  • Review the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) guidelines for accessible online learning.
  • YorkU’s Teaching Commons offers a wealth of resources regarding accessibility and inclusive teaching. For those new to accessibility, start with their introduction to accessible teaching.
  • Important accessibility strategies to include in an online course include:
    • Offer closed captioning or a transcript for recorded lectures.
    • Design activities and assessments to be completed in multiple formats when possible.
    • Choose platforms that are accessible for students using assistive technology (e.g., websites should be accessible using screen readers, screen magnification, and a keyboard or voice commands instead of a mouse).
    • Provide students with as much advanced notice regarding assessments and activities as possible to ensure those with accommodation needs have time to prepare.