This comprehensive course offers an in-depth exploration into the dynamic field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), focusing on their applications in the business world.

Led by a diverse team of experts, the course is designed to provide participants with a thorough understanding of AI fundamentals, machine learning basics, and the transformative impact of generative language models on business strategies.

Students will delve into the mechanics and applications of AI and ML in the business world, gaining insights into data privacy, regulatory impacts, and the ethical use of data in AI models. Through a series of modules, guest lectures, and practical applications, students will explore advanced machine learning techniques, the power of mining data, and the strategic implications of AI in leadership and organizational development.

We finalize the course with a capstone project, where students will apply their knowledge to real world business challenges, demonstrating their ability to harness AI and ML for strategic advantage.  The capstone project enables students to synthesize their learning and showcase their skills in a practical and impactful manner.

– Prof. Murat Kristal, Program Director, MBA in Technology Leadership;
Professor of Operations Management and Information Systems;
Special Advisor, AI & Business Analytics

Module Details

See below for a quick overview of the course modules and their topics.
Download the Module Details PDF to view full module details.

Module 1

Introduction to AI & Machine Learning
Sep 13, 2024

Tarun Rihal, MBA

  • Understand Foundational Concepts
  • Analyze Historical Evolution
  • Identify Strategic Applications

Module 2

Data Science & Machine Learning
Sep 20, 2024

Tarun Rihal, MBA

  • Grasp Machine Learning Fundamentals
  • Bridge Data Science and Machine Learning
  • Practical Model Development

Module 3

Driving Business Value from Machine Learning I:
Mining Data & Finding Signals in Noise I

Sep 27, 2024

Tarun Rihal, MBA

  • Classify Machine Learning Problem Types
  • Explore Data for New Insights
  • Apply Non-Observable Models

Module 4

Driving Business Value from Machine Learning II: Forecasting the Future and Predicting the Unforeseen
Oct 4, 2024

Tarun Rihal, MBA

  • Evaluate Practical Considerations
  • Analyze Real-World Case Studies
  • Leverage Machine Learning for Business Value

Module 5

Introduction to Generative Language Models
Oct 11, 2024

Karthik Kuber, PhD

  • Grasp Core Concepts
  • Assess Capabilities and Limitations
  • Analyze Advancements in AI Tasks

Module 6

Multimodal Generative Models
Oct 18, 2024

Karthik Kuber, PhD

  • Develop Multimodal Modeling Skills
  • Analyze Ethical Implications
  • Enhance Foundational Knowledge

Module 7

AI Applications in Marketing
Nov 1, 2024

Prof. M. David Rice

  • Understand AI Applications in Marketing Research
  • Evaluate Emerging Technologies
  • Synthesize Broad Concepts

Module 8

AI & Finance
Nov 8, 2024

Prof. Pauline M. P. Shum Nolan

  • Identify Applications of LLMs and Computer Vision
  • Evaluate Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)
  • Assess the Effectiveness of AI Strategies in 2024

Module 9

AI & Healthcare Applications
Nov 15, 2024

Prof. Adam Diamant

  • Understand Evolution and Impact
  • Analyze Successful Applications
  • Explore Future Potential

Module 10

AI’s Impact on Leadership & Organizations
Nov 22, 2024

Victor Garcia, MBA

  • Explore the Evolution and Applications of AI
  • Address Strategic, Ethical, and Operational Challenges
  • Develop Risk Management and Integration Strategies

Module 11

Developing an AI Strategy for Organizations
Nov 29, 2024

Victor Garcia, MBA

  • Design an Effective AI Strategy
  • Evaluate Organizational Readiness and Skill Development
  • Establish an AI Ethics Framework

Module 12

Implementing an Effective AI Strategy
Dec 6, 2024

Prof. Murat Kristal

  • Develop a Comprehensive AI Strategy
  • Integrate Key Strategic Components
  • Refine Strategic Plans through Peer Collaboration

Who Should Enroll?

Schulich undergraduate and graduate students who want to deepen their understanding of AI and machine learning, those looking to integrate AI strategies into their organizations, and anyone interested in the future of technology and its impact on business.

Why Take This Course?

Students will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn from Leading AI & ML Experts: Interact with seven of the top minds at the School, and benefit from modules led by instructors from a variety of disciplines.
  • Engage with Diverse Peers: Connect and collaborate with students across different programs and career paths, enriching your learning experience.
  • Develop Leadership Skills: Gain valuable insights into personal, organizational, and societal leadership, preparing you for the future benefits and challenges that AI and ML will introduce.

Who Is This Course Open To?

This course is open to students in Undergraduate and Graduate programs at the Schulich School of Business. This course may be taken as a 3.00 credit business elective that counts towards BBA or MBA degree requirements. Specialized masters programs can take this course as an extra elective (exceptions apply).

This course is not available to MBAN, MMAI, or MSCM students. Specialized masters students must speak to their academic advisor before enrolling.

Course Details:

Start Date:  Friday, September 13, 2024.
End Date:  Friday, December 6, 2024.

Frequency:  Fall classes will run on every Friday starting September 13 and ending December 6.

Time:  Synchronous sessions will be 180 minutes.

Registration and Enrolment:

Enrolment should be completed through the REM system.  Please follow the add/drop dates for your respective program.
