New Faculty Orientation

We are delighted that you have recently joined the faculty at the Schulich School of Business.

On behalf of the Schulich Centre for Teaching Excellence (SCTE) and the Office of Curriculum Innovation & Teaching Excellence (CITE), we invite to join us at the New Faculty Orientation detailed below. 

Participating in these sessions will equip you with the essential knowledge and skills to navigate the academic environment effectively. Additionally, it will be an excellent opportunity to meet and network with fellow new faculty members and key administrative staff.

The New Faculty Orientation is designed to to get you up to speed quickly on policies, procedures and technology use, vital to your teaching success.

This is a required component of your onboarding process.

Day Start Time Register
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
8:30am-12:30pm Please confirm your attendance here

The agenda will cover a range of topics to support your teaching and administrative responsibilities:

Current Academic Policies and Guidelines at Schulich:

    • An overview of recent changes in academic policies and current guidance
    • Detailed discussion on key guidelines that impact your teaching

Teaching Mandates in Our Undergraduate and Graduate Programs:

    • Expectations and objectives for instructors in both undergraduate and graduate courses
    • Strategies to align your teaching with these mandates

Instructor Feedback and Grading Expectations:

    • Best practices for providing constructive feedback to students
    • Grading policies and standards at Schulich

Student Services Viewpoint on Key Administrative Processes:

    • Insights from Student Services on important administrative procedures
    • How to effectively navigate these processes to support your students

Hands-on Training on Classroom A/V Technology:

    • Demonstration of the latest classroom A/V equipment and software
    • Practical, hands-on training to familiarize you with the technology