On March 28th, 2024, special guest presenter Professor Alessandro Ghio, Associate Professor in Accounting at Laval University, joined us to lead a workshop on Advancing Diversity in our Business Classes.
During the interactive workshop, Alessandro lead us through a number of practical tools to help promote and facilitate greater diversity and inclusion in the classroom, while also creating welcoming learning spaces for all students. Attendees learned simple and useful tips to help make their teaching experience and the students’ learning experience even better.
The recording of the workshop can be accessed above and the presentation slides are available here. This is a great opportunity for our faculty to learn more about diversity in our classes, while also ensuring our school is as inclusive and welcoming as possible.
We would like to thank Alessandro for joining us! If you would like to reach out to Alessandro, they can be contacted at alessandro.ghio@fsa.ulaval.ca.
A CEC, SCTE, and Office of the Dean DEDI Joint Initiative
Schulich School of Business