Class Rescheduling (Policy and Procedure)
In the event that a class needs to be rescheduled, below are some policy expectations to keep in mind.
Scheduling makeup classes is problematic, except for the mandatory makeup classes already set. It is difficult to find an alternate time for your class to meet that avoids schedule conflicts for some students. What does this mean?
- Avoid the need for makeup classes, if at all possible. If you must be absent, your first recourse should be for a colleague to teach the class for you.
- If you must schedule a makeup class, consult with the students and take their availability into account.
- Do not impose academic penalties for students who do not attend a makeup class.
- No tests, quizzes, or other mandatory in-class graded activities may be scheduled on the makeup day.
- If graded work is due in the make-up class, make alternative delivery arrangements that do not penalize students who are absent.
- Make arrangements for students to have alternate access to the in-class materials – record your lecture, post notes in Canvas, etc.
- Consider delivering the class online via Zoom or Canvas.
- All makeup classes must be scheduled through area support staff and the office of the Associate Dean Academic via the makeup class booking form.