Event Date Start - End Time Location Capacity Availability
Jun 18  2020 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm     Via Zoom --- ---

Event Overview

The SCTE presents the follow-up session to the June 5th presentation: Online Evaluations: Reflections on Assessment Approaches adopted by Schulich Faculty in Winter/Spring 2020 (Part I).

Remotely-Proctored, Time-Limited Online Evaluations:  Demonstrations & Practical Applications

Hila Koren-Cohen and Linda Lakats will conduct a practical, hands-on, demonstration and practice session for those of you who are interested in learning about how to administer a Remotely-Proctored, Time-Limited Online Exam.

The following topics and practical mechanics will be covered in this session:

  1. How to use various Canvas settings to administer “mock testsand different types of exams/assignments, including adjustments in time settings (for disability students and otherwise), options and recommendations for using Lock-down Browser and Respondus Monitor, and strategic setting-approaches to optimize academic integrity and equitable student treatment.
  2. How to build your exam with different types of questions designed to achieve your course learning objectives.
  3. Demonstrations of results achieved from various exam-types and the use of Repondus Monitor in late winter and early summer 2020 (having obtained appropriate prior consent from the students involved to do so).
  4. Time permitting, discussion of possible options to manage technical issues that can arise by using a Zoom-proctored backup exam.
Hila Koren Cohen – Instructor of Operations Management & Information Systems
Remotely-Proctored, Short-Duration, Scheduled Open-Book Exam on Canvas
Linda Lakats – Instructor of Operations Management & Information Systems
Time-Limited, Blended, Open-Book Exam on Canvas for Small Scale Courses

All sessions in this series have been, and will be, recorded for subsequent viewing by interested faculty members. If you would like to view any or all of these sessions, please visit the related SCTE Sharepoint page to access the full Zoom recordings. We hope that these sessions will be helpful for you in preparing to teach your first Zoom classes, and beyond.